Monday, March 19, 2018


In the event that anyone (other than bots) is still reading this blog, I thought I should add a final entry to wrap it up.

The idea behind “Time for Phase Three” was to document the transition from living in the United States to adopting a new lifestyle in Ecuador. It was certainly an interesting process, sometimes frustrating but mostly exciting. That process is now complete.

To bring everyone quickly up-to-date, Emily and I are living quite happily in Puerto Lopez. Many interesting things have happened in the two years since the my last blog post, including a seven-month relocation to Cuenca, but we are back where we had always hoped to be.

We are progressing with a number of projects. Emily has been studying internet-based outreach, including publishing and marketing. I’ve been studying the sociology of the environment where we live, including business operations and political maneuverings. We continue to explore how to build our permanent presence in Ecuador.

I am continuing to write. Some stories, however, are better told after they are complete; a serial unfolding doesn’t always do them justice. As such, this blog has reached the end of its usefulness.

My next published effort will be another blog; this year, I’m participating in the “AtoZ Blog Challenge”. As the name implies, the blog will consist of 26 sequential entries with one entry being published each day in April (most Sundays excepted). I will be writing about daily living in Puerto Lopez; the link below will take you there. I hope the entries will be insightful; failing that, I hope that they are a little amusing.

I appreciate anyone who has read this story for the last five years (bots included); it has been an honor to have you as an audience. Ciao!